It is common knowledge by now that women pay lower insurance premiums than men. Insurance companies have special discounts for women and offer them better rates. The situation is not equitable because men don’t benefit of cheap car insurance for men rates and discounts, so they end up paying more to insure their car.
The value of an insurance premium will of course be different depending on the company you are working with. However, at the same insurance company, a man and a woman of same age, driving the same car type, living in the same area and having similar driving records will get different rates. The woman will get the lower one. The reason for this is that insurance companies also put into equation the risk of producing car accidents and this risk seems to be lower in women than in men. They also seem to get fewer traffic tickets.
Women have less chances of being involved in car accident first of all because they drive less than men do. The more you drive, the more likely you are to have incidents. When they do drive, women also tend to do it safer. They don’t break the rules, they go at reasonable speed and they are more cautious. Most of them also drive accompanied by their children so that make them more responsible. However, this means fewer accidents and fewer traffic tickets for them.
This does not mean that if you are a man you should resign with having to pay more for your car insurance than your wife. There are ways to reduce your costs and you should take advantage on each of them.
If you agree to a higher deductible amount, your insurance premium will reduce. The deductible amount is the amount that you have to come up with in case you file a claim at the insurance company. If you consider yourself a cautious driver, you can increase this amount because there are low chances of claiming money from your insurer.
You should also take into consideration the type of car you have. Expensive and powerful cars attract higher insurance premiums because they can be aimed by thieves and they can be driven fats, increasing accident risk.
Safe driving can also help you get cheap car insurance for men. You will definitely have to pay more if you get into a wreck or if you repeatedly violate traffic rules. An antitheft device can also lower your car insurance premium because it decreases the risk of claiming money for having your car stolen.
Considering all these tips can help you get cheap car insurance for men even if you are man.
The value of an insurance premium will of course be different depending on the company you are working with. However, at the same insurance company, a man and a woman of same age, driving the same car type, living in the same area and having similar driving records will get different rates. The woman will get the lower one. The reason for this is that insurance companies also put into equation the risk of producing car accidents and this risk seems to be lower in women than in men. They also seem to get fewer traffic tickets.
Women have less chances of being involved in car accident first of all because they drive less than men do. The more you drive, the more likely you are to have incidents. When they do drive, women also tend to do it safer. They don’t break the rules, they go at reasonable speed and they are more cautious. Most of them also drive accompanied by their children so that make them more responsible. However, this means fewer accidents and fewer traffic tickets for them.
This does not mean that if you are a man you should resign with having to pay more for your car insurance than your wife. There are ways to reduce your costs and you should take advantage on each of them.
If you agree to a higher deductible amount, your insurance premium will reduce. The deductible amount is the amount that you have to come up with in case you file a claim at the insurance company. If you consider yourself a cautious driver, you can increase this amount because there are low chances of claiming money from your insurer.
You should also take into consideration the type of car you have. Expensive and powerful cars attract higher insurance premiums because they can be aimed by thieves and they can be driven fats, increasing accident risk.
Safe driving can also help you get cheap car insurance for men. You will definitely have to pay more if you get into a wreck or if you repeatedly violate traffic rules. An antitheft device can also lower your car insurance premium because it decreases the risk of claiming money for having your car stolen.
Considering all these tips can help you get cheap car insurance for men even if you are man.
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